A Buy Sell ad in the Gold Panner is for individuals who would like to buy or sell items including:

  • Collectibles such as records, books, antiques, etc
  • Electronics such as used washers, dryers, generators
  • Household items such as furniture, pianos
  • Outdoor items such as BBQ’s, yard furniture, boats
  • Personal items
  • Re-homing pets and livestock
  • Privately owned cars, trucks and trailers, boats, motor homes.
  • Used building materials by individuals


BUY SELL ads cannot be placed by a business unless the owner/employee is placing a personal item for sell or to purchase. Please go to the BUSINESS LINE ADS link on this website.

$2.00 for up to 20 words. Add $1.00 for each additional 10 words (or a portion thereof)

Please Note: To run multiple line ads please submit your ad to the cart the number of times you would like it to appear.

The Deadline for each Friday’s issue is Wednesday at 3PM

Select Your ImageDrag file/directory here

If you have any questions, please call us at (530) 626-5057

How many weeks would you like the ad to run?